How Long Does It Take For Belly Ring To Heal
how long does it take for belly ring to heal
Ok compared to nose, eyebrow, upper ear and an ear stretcher, how much does a lip piercing hurt?
Ok compared to nose, eyebrow, upper ear and an ear stretcher, how much does a lip piercing hurt?
I'm getting my lip done tomorrow (in the middle) It's a Christmas present and I've kinda gone on about it for a week now so I can't back out.. but I'm a bit nervous about the pain
I have my nose, eyebrow, top of my ear, three sets of lobe piercings and a stretcher in one of the holes… And nothing hurt
People say nose is the worse but out of all of them my nose was deffinetly the least painful piercing (for I can't remember my lobe piercings)
I know everyone has a different pain tolerence.. But I just wanted to know your opinions
I apologise for the length of this as well
How long will the swelling and stuff last?
Actually a lot less than you'd think! It's definitely not as bad as a nose, and not half as bad as a stretcher. I was pretty shocked.
Don't worry, it'll be over in a matter of seconds. I've had all the piercings you described and more, and the lip was the least painful. Good luck.
it doesn't hurt at, if anything the quicker the better, i heard its just a pinchy feeling but when i got it done it felt like nothing
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My Ear Stretcher Won't Go In Further?
Im stretching my ear for the first time, and ive got my stretcher in about half way, but it wont budge anymore, im using lubricant and it really hurts to push it more? How can i get it in? Pleasee Help.
When i bought the stretcher, the piercer told me it was the right size to start with.
stop trying to push it in. it is too big. go a size down. if you force it further you risk tearing the skin.
or you could go to a reputable body piercer, get it done profesionally.
take it out .. take a hot shower/bath and warm up your ears . then lubricate and slide it in . what size are you and what size is the taper ?
First time ear stretcher. please help?
Saturday i got 14g acrylic tapers. I have not stretched before. I put them in, my left ear was no problem. my right ear, how ever, was a pain in the @$ $ . finally, they were both in, i could and still can spin my left one around and at first i couldnt spin my right one until last night when i was movingit around until finally it spun. i was moving it in and out and around my ear. This morning at school, i noticed pain, severe swelling and throbbing and it was bright red and purple. there was pus and little blood. i went to the nurse who made me take it out and cleaned it with alchohol and bacitine. when i took it out there was like pieces of like gooey ear tissue or something like that on it. It is still swollen. i dont know whether to put the taper back in or not. also, at the beginning of my jaw like right under my ear there is a small bump and it hurts. i dont want to go to a docter unless its 180% necessary. should i leave the taper out? if so, when can i put it back in? will it be hard to re-stretch my ear? please help! thaanks(:
I would say no, do not put it back in. You probably have some sort of infection and need to go to the doctor asap!
as long as you did not tear your ear hole you will be okay, the taper could have been dirty and gotten a small infetion i would keep using bactine and salt water and when it is not swollen or red anymore try again. also when you try again do it in the shower with hot water running on your ears it will be alot easer, you will get crusty stuff on the taper as long as you clean it really good with salt water a few times a day it will be okay. i have had my ears streched to a 2g for eight years and they never stop stinking just an fyi
Ive done mine.
They do hurt at first;Its natural.
Remember twist them alot.
And clean them with Neosporin.
Tapers aren't jewelry & acrylic isn't a good material to leave in healing stretches. At the first sign of pain, you should've stopped. Pain, blood, and throbbing are not normal. Almost sounds like you blew your ear out. Put the smallest jewelry you have in, clean your piercings with sea salt soaks & hope you didn't do too much damage.
Once you put jewelry in your ear, you leave it alone – no spinning, touching or changing of the jewelry. This goes for fresh stretches too. Messing with a healing stretch will only irritate it and damage it further.
You can stretch again several months from now, when your ear has recovered from this. In the mean time, do some more research on stretching. It's a serious modification and you should be well educated on it before you continue.
How can I stop my ear from hurting?
I had my ears pierced sometime last year and a couple of days ago I bought a 1.6mm stretcher. I don't particularly want to stretch my ear but I like it just to wear as an earring. Ive had it in for about 2 days but I have had to take it out because it was hurting. When i took it out it had some strange yellow stuff on it, and now my ear is swollen. The stretcher was only just a bit thicker than the size of my hole, and I want to put it in again sometime, but how can I cool down the swelling and stop it from hurting?
Ever thought that maybe you are allergic to what it is made of hence the mucas and swelling.
You did`nt say if you have just reopened the holes, or that you have had rings in but just changed them. If you have just opened them again maybe you should have waited before stretchers.
Maybe they are not designed to be left in the ears as earings.
Try using a mild stringent of salt water to clean them. (Not to strong) but tepid water.
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