It all started when an innocent rabbit named Bugs escaped a shady university lab. His nasty little bite unleashed an epidemic of terror. With an entire rural community spiraling out of control in a pandemonium of madness and flesh eating, six mismatched souls find themselves reluctantly intertwined in a fight for their lives and their sanity.
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These are our most popular posts: how old are rabbits when they start humpimg
Snap-happy Rock Chef: Rabbits....
You might remember that we have got 2 boy rabbits called Houdini and Panda? Well. They have a baby. The vet assured us that they were boys, but no. Houdini is a girl. We have our sofa - it was rushed to us yesterday and ... read more
Lady Hump: Digging through the old photos and the Scream of Angels
Have I ever told you how my pet rabbit invented Reeses Pieces? When Angels get excited do you think they scream out Ho Chi Min! Then I come across this photo (below) over on COC (take note: the bone has been linked) ... read more
The Titanic Meeting of Two Old Gods – Whatever
My 5 dogs get along just fine with the cat but when we open the rabbit cage they all gather round and stare with the occasional flinch when the rabbit lunges forward to viciously sniff one of them. The snake cage is also a source of amusement for the family when .... Three loving adults watched in open-mouthed horror as the rabbit ran up to her, sniffed her, tossed her down and started humping her flank. A moment or two later, he tossed himself on his side, looking like ... read more
Stark Hollow Farm: Custom-Made Rabbit Hutches Make for Sweet ...
Our forage-based meat rabbits are raised in Vermont on pasture three seasons, but during winter months they have a cozy set up in the barn loft with a view of the snow covered fields of Camels Hump. These modular rabbit pens provide for easy access for feeding, watering, and ... An old dog bowl makes a great rabbit pellet feeder and an old nursery tray is modified to make a hay feeder. Inquire about purchasing your own live rabbit(s) with one of our custom-made ... read more
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